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Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2012

Alone #Day 4 - Gone Mad

I feel my mind is getting uncontrolled, I can't think clearly but I must survive no matter what (please don't say titanic in front of me instead I use their word *sigh). At least, these day I've got moment of fun with my friend. First we having break fasting together in Jun Njan Restaurant, then after we came back to the office, we share parcels by sweepstakes... and my friend got lucky draw haha.

This is my 2nd visit to Jun Njan Restaurant although, I'm not fasting today but I will not let this chance gone away *free of charge, treat by office director hehehe.You can see by your self, how's the food is so tempting  

And believe me, you won't disappointed with their food. So delicious, and tasty like damn high class restaurant. 
But everything change, when I get back to my home. Rats shit everywhere, and their smell is so f*cking annoying. They declare war to me, and I swear tomorrow they will never forget who's their daddy is.

So, here I am again, alone... time is still ticking, and I also declare war with someone though I wasn't meant to hurt her feeling. Just wanna make my self comfortable with all I have today. Day 4th, push my mind getting crazy... I think I need a cup of coffee *hadoooh

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